Creating Value-Added Research Systems with Basel Fakhoury of User Interviews

On this episode, host Sima Vasa welcomes Basel Fakhoury, CEO and Co-Founder of User Interviews, for an enlightening conversation about Basel’s work in improving data acquisition specificity.

During their conversation, Basel and Sima discuss:

– Using data to uncover needs in the market to better cater products and services to a particular niche.

– The lessons Basel and his team learned from their first failed startup, and how that experience helped build User Interviews.

– How finding the right survey respondents, rather than using a random sample, can provide more substantive and relevant data.

– Why AI is an aid to finding human respondents rather than a threat to human-centric data.

– The potential for growth in the data research industry.

Basel and his team’s journey is an excellent case study of both the power of data in the present as well as the industry’s future trajectory.

Resources Mentioned:

User Interviews

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